
Aggregate values in an tabular form like in a spreadsheet.

Sometimes a sheet can eliminate the need for declaring a group or a data dimension. You can also aggregate the same value in different sheets so that results are grouped by different keys.

The sheet() method instantiates a Sheet or a FixedSheet object. Both of them are special variants of the collector object and will be assigned to the total collector ($total).

For each column in a sheet a calculator object will be instantiated and linked via the $items array property.


All calculator objects within a Sheet or FixedSheet object are of the same type.

Group levels are like sheet rows and data keys like sheet colums.

sheet(string $name, $value, $headerAction = null, $footerAction = null, ...$params)

Aggregate attributes in a sheet.

Sheet is a collection of calculators for a horizontal representation of a value. Call this method once for each sheet.

  • $name (string) – Unique name to reference the sheet object. The reference will be hold in $this->total.

  • $value (mixed) –

    Source of the key and value to be aggregated. Must be served in an array with only one entry were key is the array key and value the value.

    Key and attribute name are attribute names when data row is an object or or when row is an array the element keys. It’s also possiblbe to use a closure which returns an array [key => value]. False to just instantiate and reference the sheet. To execute the calculation call the add() method of the sheet object. This is very useful when getting the key or value to be calculated is complicated and / or you need these data on the detail level.


    Using the array_column function might declaring the latest data dimension redundant.

  • $typ (int|null) – The calculator type. Typ is used to choose between a calculator class. Options are XS, REGULAR and XL. Defaults to XS. Typ belongs to all sheet items.

  • $fromKey (mixed) – To use a fixed sheet declare the first calculator name. Pass an array when sheet names are not in an sequence. Example: [‘young’, ‘mid-aged’, ‘old’l Null for sheets where calculators are instantiated for each key value.

  • $toKey (mixed) – The last calculator name for fixed sheet. FromKey will be icremented until $toKey is reached.

  • $maxLevel (int|null) – The group level at which the value will be added. Defaults to the maximum level of the dimension. Might be less when aggregated data are only needed on higher levels.

  • $params (mixed) – Variadic parameters to be passed to callables declared with value parameter.


$this which allows method call chaining.

FixedSheet class

FixedSheet classes are best used when you know which columns you need and want them to be instantiated all at once. To do so pass an array of column names or the starting and ending name to the sheet() method. When starting name is a string make sure that the ending name can be reached by incrementing the starting name.

$rep = new Report ($this);
// Declare season names as columns
$rep->sheet ('sales', ['regionID' => 'amount'], ['spring', 'summer' ,'autumn', 'winter'])

// Declare columns 1 to 12 (e.g. to represent month)
$rep->sheet ('sales', ['regionID' => 'amount'], 1, 12)

// Declare columns a, b, c, d, e and f
$rep->sheet ('sales', ['regionID' => 'amount'], 'a', 'f')

When you try to add a value to an not existing column an exception will be thrown.

Sheet class

Sheet classes don’t have a fixed number of columns. Columns will be instantiated whenever a data row delivers a new column name.

If you need columns in a sorted order you should sort your data accordingly. If this in not suitable ksort the $items property of the sheet object.

$rep = (new Report ($this))
->sheet ('sales', ['regionID'=> 'amount'])