Getting values

All initialisation methods have parameters called $source and $params to declare how related actions like evaluating a group change will get the required data.

The parameter $params may hold variadic arguments which will be passed unpacked (after $row and $rowKey) to callables specified in $source.

Specialized getter classes are available to get the requested values. You may pass a getter object of your choice to the source parameter or let phpReport choose the right one. The latter option is usually the easiest one.

Source might get a scalar value or an array with up to three parameters where scalar values might be:

  • An array key or property name depending of the type of data data row.

  • A closure which expects $row and $rowKey as the first two parameters.

  • A getter object which implements the GetValueInterface.

For all other sources PHP has to offer $source must be an array with up to 3 elements.

Source array parameters




The object member name or a closure.


The class or object where the object member belongs to.
  • Null - The current row object (default)

  • True - The default target (Value of the target parameter of report class).

  • Object or class name. Object might also be used to access a constant.


Kind of object member
  • Null - Sets the most logical defaults.
    For closures same as False (in contrast to the closure as a scalar source).
    Object property when key[1] is not null.
    Method of the current row object.
  • Bool - Name is a callable (method, static method or closure).
    True will pass $row and $rowKey as the first parameters to this callable.
    False will not pass $row and $rowKey to this callable.
  • stat - Name is a static class property.

  • const - Name is a class constant.

For method chaining use closures, method calls or dedicated getter objects.

The following examples shows all combinations:

Source parameter examples



‘a b c’

Property of row object or array item.

[‘abc’, true]

Property in default target.

[‘abc’, $object]

Property in $object.

fn($r, $k) => (…)
fn($r, $k, …$params) => (…)
[fn($r, $k) => (…), null, true]
[fn($r, $k, …$p) => (…), null, true]

Closure getting $row and $rowKey.

[fn(… $params) => (…)]
[fn(… $params) => (…), null, false]

Closure not getting $row and $rowKey

[‘abc’, null]
[‘abc’, null, null]
[‘abc’, null, false]

Method of current row object.

[‘abc’, null, true]

Static method in current row class getting $row and $rowKey.

[‘abc’, true, false]
[‘abc’, true, true]
Method or static method in default target.
Same as before but getting $row and $rowKey.
[‘abc’, $obj, false]
[‘abc’, ‘xyzClass’, false]
[‘abc’, $obj, true]
[‘abc’, ‘xyzClass’, true]
Method or static method in $obj object.
Static method in ‘xyzClassclass.
(Static) method in $obj getting $row and $rowKey.
Static method in ‘xyzClass’ class getting $row and $rowKey.
[‘abc’, null, ‘stat’]
[‘abc’, true, ‘stat’]
[‘abc’, $obj, ‘stat’]
[‘abc’, ‘xyz’, ‘stat’]
Static property from row class,
default target,
$obj object,
[‘ABC’, null, ‘const’]
[‘ABC’, true, ‘const’]
[‘ABC’, $obj, ‘const’]
[‘ABC’, ‘xyz’, ‘const’]
Constant from row class,
default target,
$obj object,

new xxxGetter(…)

Dedicated getter object