Group changes

Compexity in applications usually grows exceptionlly with every addidtional group which needs to be managed.

With phpReport you only need to call the group() method once for every group. Groups can be controlled in every data dimension. Just call the group() method after calling the related data() method.

A group change occurs when within a data dimension when group values of the previous row don’t equal those of the current row.


Data don’t need to be sorted by groups. But make sure that rows are grouped by the group field or you might raise unwanted group changes.

Once a group change has been detected the appropiate action methods (group headers and group footers) will be executed.

group($name, $value = null, $headerAction = null, $footerAction = null, ...params)

Declare a data group.

  • $name (string) – The name to be used for this group. This name will be used to build method names for group headers and footers (depending on configuration parameters). Must be unique between all dimensions. All group related values (including cumulated values from sum or sheet methods as well as row and group counters) can be retrieved by this group name or the group level.

  • $value (mixed) – Source of the group value. Use the attribute name when data row is an object or the key name when data row is an array. It’s also possiblbe to use a callable (a closure or an array having class and method parameters) expecting $row and $rowKey as parameters. When the $value parameter is null it defaults to the content of $name parameter.

  • $headerAction (mixed) – Set individual group header action. Null to execte the default action. False to deny any action.

  • $footerAction (mixed) – Set individual group footer action. Null to execte the default action. False to deny any action.

  • $params (mixed) – Variadic parameters to be passed to callables declared with value parameter.


$this which allows method call chaining.


$rep = (new Report ($this))
->group ('region')
->group ('year', fn($row) => substr($row->saleDate, 0, 4))
->group ('month', fn($row) => substr($row->saleDate, 5, 2))
->group ('customer', 'customerID', null, '</table>')

The above example declares four groups (group level 1 to 4) to be monitored. Instead of executing the customer footer action the string ‘</table>’ will be appended to the $output property.


Group level 0 is always the top level which is called grandTotal.

For each declared group a group counter will be instantiated and incremented when a group change occurs. See ‘Calculation’ for details.